Source code for path_explorer

The path explorer module is designed to help locate and filter and folders
files within the directory structure. It is not restricted to the local project,
so expose/use with caution.

import os

[docs]def search_path_for_directories_and_files( path: str, omit_python_cache: bool = True ) -> (list, list): """ Creates two lists containing all found directories, and all files starting from a given path. """ list_of_files = list() list_of_directories = list() list_of_paths_to_skip = list() walkthrough = os.walk( path, topdown = True, followlinks = True ) for parent_path, _, files in walkthrough: is_folder_skippable = False for path_to_skip in list_of_paths_to_skip: if parent_path.startswith( path_to_skip ): is_folder_skippable = True if omit_python_cache and '__pycache__' in parent_path: is_folder_skippable = True if not is_folder_skippable: if os.path.basename( parent_path ).startswith( '.' ): list_of_paths_to_skip.append( parent_path ) else: list_of_directories.append( parent_path ) list_of_files.extend( [parent_path + '/' + file for file in files] ) return list_of_directories, list_of_files
[docs]def search_path_for_directories_with_partial_match( path: str, partial: str ) -> list: """ Gets results from the path explorer, and does a simple string comparison on the complete absolute path for a partial match to the provided string. """ # pylint: disable=unused-variable dirs, files = search_path_for_directories_and_files( path, omit_python_cache = False ) dirs[:] = [dir for dir in dirs if partial in dir] return dirs
[docs]def search_path_for_files_with_extensions( path: str, extensions: set ) -> list: """ Gets results for the path explorer, and filters out only the files with an extension matching any of the list provided. """ # pylint: disable=unused-variable dirs, files = search_path_for_directories_and_files( path, omit_python_cache = False ) files[:] = [file for file in files if file.split( '.' ).pop() in extensions] return files