This template is built upon as many standardized libraries and modules in order to provide stability and state-of-the-art features relying on the great work of other projects.

Unfortunately, sometimes a subset of features might be missing, or is not user friendly enough, and investing some time into building the right tool for the job is worth it. This is the case for the following scripts/tools, which are not standard.

Python Project Cleaner


As the name suggests, this collection of function and scripts helps you keep a clean project tree. For me, this allows me to work in the console better, by letting me clean all python cache files and folders in a single command, hence keeping the directory tree pristine.

For example, see the file tree below. I could configure my system so that folders starting with __ would be hidden, but it makes no sense.

$ tree t*
├── test
│   ├── pytest.ini
│   ├── test_app
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   │   └── test_main.cpython-37-pytest-5.0.1.pyc
│   │   └──
│   ├── test_methodology
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   │   └── test_examples.cpython-37-pytest-5.0.1.pyc
│   │   └──
│   └── test_tools
│       ├── __pycache__
│       │   ├── test_path_explorer.cpython-37-pytest-5.0.1.pyc
│       │   └── test_pretty_console.cpython-37-pytest-5.0.1.pyc
│       ├──
│       └──
└── tools
    ├── __pycache__
    │   ├── path_explorer.cpython-37.pyc
    │   └── pretty_console.cpython-37.pyc
    └── pycharm_code_style.xml

That’s where the cleaning routine helps. It navigates through the entire project structure, and locates all the cache files and folders, then deletes them all. So that navigating the project looks more like:

$ tree t*
├── test
│   ├── pytest.ini
│   ├── test_app
│   │   └──
│   ├── test_methodology
│   │   └──
│   └── test_tools
│       ├──
│       └──
└── tools
    ├── __pycache__
    │   └── pretty_console.cpython-37.pyc
    └── pycharm_code_style.xml


As you might have noticed, currently executing pre-compiled files are not deleted, like it is the case for pretty_console.cpython-37.pyc being used by the makefile during the cleaning process.

How to clean the project tree

Generally speaking, most of the template’s tools are exposed through the makefile. In this instance, simply run:

$ make clean

Now, this does a few things on top of cleaning up the cache, so you can always call the script separately. The cleaner tool uses the click library to expose a command line interface. For example, as called by the makefile’s clean target:

$   python -m tools.path_cleaner clear-all-cache <START_DIR>

You can always get an up-to-date feature description from calling:

$ python -m tools.path_cleaner --help

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  clear-all-cache               Entry point for cleaning files and then...
  clear-cache-files             Walk through the given path, looking for...
  clear-cache-folders-if-empty  Walk through the given path, looking for...


More about the click library at

Developer’s documentation

This library relies on the path_explorer tool to find and remove python cache files and folders. It offers a command line interface and should not be called as a python module.

path_cleaner.clear_all_cache(*args, **kwargs)

Entry point for cleaning files and then folders in one CLI call.

path_cleaner.clear_cache_files(*args, **kwargs)

Walk through the given path, looking for .py[cod] cache files, and tries to delete all of them.

path_cleaner.clear_cache_folders_if_empty(*args, **kwargs)

Walk through the given path, looking for __pycache__ folders, and tries to delete all of them, but only if they are empty.

The path explorer module is designed to help locate and filter and folders files within the directory structure. It is not restricted to the local project, so expose/use with caution.

path_explorer.search_path_for_directories_and_files(path: str, omit_python_cache: bool = True) -> (<class 'list'>, <class 'list'>)[source]

Creates two lists containing all found directories, and all files starting from a given path.

path_explorer.search_path_for_directories_with_partial_match(path: str, partial: str) → list[source]

Gets results from the path explorer, and does a simple string comparison on the complete absolute path for a partial match to the provided string.

path_explorer.search_path_for_files_with_extensions(path: str, extensions: set) → list[source]

Gets results for the path explorer, and filters out only the files with an extension matching any of the list provided.